Thursday, 3 September 2009

The Petrifying Well

This is a picture of The Petrifying Well at Old Mother Shipton's Cave. Apparently, anything that was a source of water back in the day was called a well, so even though this is pretty much a waterfall... It's called a well... Okaaaaaaay....

Anyway, the water is so rich in lime or something that if you hang something up there, as you can see in the picture, within three months it is 'petrified', or turned to stone. But really it's just coverered in slime...

Oh, and you see the two lumps sticking out halfway up? Well, those are hats that belonged to a man and woman, and were put there 150 years ago! Woohoo!

I love this picture because the colours in the dripping lime are brilliant.

Comments, as always, much appreciated.

1 comment:

Zeca said...

*imagines a bear in hibernation under the water*

LOL ... that would be fun (to see) ... a petrified bear...

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