Sunday, 24 January 2010

Snow In Sunderland: Part 6

Here are another two shots from around Penshaw Monument on Saturday. I feel the need to point out that I was recovering from Laryngitis at the time, so it was mainly a case of, 'Wow, that looks great!' N95 out, set up the shot, click, move onto the next one.

I hope you've enjoyed them so far.

Monday, 18 January 2010

Snow In Sunderland: Part 5

I snapped these two images on the N95 from inside Penshaw Monument.

One shows the view across Wearside, through the pillars, whilst the other is an 'artsy' shot showing just the top of the Monument against the snow heavy clouds.

I think they both look great!

Comments, as usual, much appreciated.

Sunday, 10 January 2010

Snow In Sunderland: Part 4

Here's a couple more images that I snapped in the snow-one was on the approach to Penshaw Monument-and what a steep climb that is, very hard in the snow-the other is the view from the top of the monument, looking at Wearside in it's snow covered glory.

Comments, as always, much appreciated.

Snow In Sunderland: Part 3

Yesterday a whole gang of us went for a walk in Herrington Country Park, in Sunderland. It was fab, there were people there feeding the ducks-I may upload a video of that-and then we wandered over to Penshaw Monument.

On the way, I snapped this image, and didn't realise how awesome it was until I got home-the sun's rays look magnificent.

Comments, as always, much appreciated.

Snow In Sunderland: Part 2

Here's another set of images that I took from inside my house, just minutes after my previously posted pics.

These clearly show the ever deepening snow eastbound and southbound on my street.

It was getting to the point that I thought we were going to be snowed in!

Comments, as always, much appreciated.

Saturday, 9 January 2010

Snow In Sunderland: Part 1

Okay, so as you know, the whole of the UK is currently in the deathly, vice-like grip of the media dubbed 'cold snap'. And whilst it is definitely cold, treacherous, and misery-inducing, it also makes for some fantastic images. So I'm goin to be posting a few that I've taken whilst at home and out and about.

These two pics were taken from my porch on Saturday night-it's the snow in my front garden. It was snowing heavily at the time of these pics being taken, and there was an eerie orange glow in the sky.

Everything feels so calm and peaceful when it's snowing!

Comments, as always, much appreciated.

Tuesday, 5 January 2010

The Phone Is Back!

Well, Nokia exceeded my expectations. Despite them not communicating with me, providing me with any updates, I love them. Why? Because last week, unexpectedly, my trusty old N95 was returned... Looking brand new! New screen, new keypad, new fascia, it's practically a new phone!

And what a great time to get it returned, with all this snow here in the UK there's gonna be some fabulous pictures to take. So keep checking back.

Thank you, and well done, Nokia.

Preview the NEW N95 Photography Book!
